TL;DR: Not a lot.

With the exception of the contact page, the only data collection that happens is for analytics. And, I'll be honest with you, I hate google analytics with a burning passion. As such, I use Plausible, which tries to be a more ethical solution for analytics.

If you want more info, you can read Plausible's Data Policy which details what they collect. If you hate reading, here's the highlights:

  • No data is tracked between sessions. This means if you visit my site, leave, and come back, I won't know it's you.
  • No fingerprinting is done. This means that the only info I have about you is your IP and whatever info your browser sends over
  • Any data collected will not be sold. Ever. It doesn't matter if I change this page. In fact, if I do, you have my permission to blow up my inbox about it.

You probably noticed that I mentioned that the contact page is an exception. Why is that? Well, the contact page also uses cloudflare's Turnstile service, which is basically like Google's reCAPTCHA. If you don't know what that technical mumbo jumbo means, basically it's some fancy code to stop robots from sending me spam and furry porn.*

*yes i know there's a mailto link which defeats the purpose of the captcha, shut up.